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The subject of celebrity has always been high in conversation with may people, but I have found it's come up much more so since I have been at university. I have written a feature about celebrity, I have discussed celebrity in my classes and I recently did a group presentation about celebrity. 

Now, I'm not talking about celebrity talk like; 'oh she's wearing a nice dress' or 'did you see that movie so and so is in', oh no, I'm talking about what actually makes a person a celebrity. This is a major topic in today's society with the line being blurred more and more each day as to who is and isn't a 'celebrity'.

The definition of 'celebrity' varies but the general gist is: 'a famous or well-known person'. Now this in my eyes is what causes the blur of who is actually a celebrity because anyone can become well-known nowadays through many television shows, websites such as YouTube, through who their family is or who they marry. Take Justin Bieber, he was just an ordinary boy with a singing ability (some may dispute even this) who posted one YouTube video and then became a world-wide phenomenon almost over night. Now he is what many people would class as a celebrity and rightly so because he has a recognisable talent but is it right that anyone can become a celebrity over night?

Many of today's celebrities such as Olly Murs and Stacey Soloman gained their celebrity 'status' through talent competitions like X-Factor. Whether they have a talent or not, these shows are basically there to produce short-term celebrities. The fame gained from these shows never really lasts very long or at least not by the act continuing their singing career. Stacey Soloman is still widely famous now but not because of her third place singing talents, but instead because of her appearance on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! She now appears in adverts for Iceland, which appear after the show and yet she is still seen as a celebrity by a lot of people. 

We as the public are very much told by the media who is and isn't a celebrity and sometimes it seems like we are told who we should class as a celebrity just for that day! When we read magazines, they heavily focus on famous figures such as The Kardashians' and Paris Hilton who originally only became celebrities through their families. Without this boost into the spotlight, they wouldn't have reached the high places they are at now. 

Ever noticed that many older actors are not really featured in magazines or newspapers? People like Michael Douglas and Helen Mirren, although they have many many movies under their belts, are very rarely featured in today's media and are instead replaced by younger, more 'saleable' celebrities. Now, surely these people have the talent to be classed as a celebrity, so surely they too should feature in magazines? I have seen that many older actors are only featured in the media if they are in some how closely related to a younger celebrity, or if they are going through an illness - as with Michael Douglas earlier this year. This quickly gets overshadowed though by stories like 'Plastic Surgery Shockers' and the latest affairs people are having. Yes, there is a demand for these types of content, but what message is being sent if the media only focuses on younger and more attractive celebrities. 

It's my opinion that each individual sees a celebrity as something different. Earlier this year I would have seen a celebrity as anyone featured in a magazine for more than two issues. Now however, I see a celebrity as someone I would get excited to meet or an actor. That may seem silly, because they are only people after all, but I think it's about meeting someone who you have followed in a television show, or through pages of magazines that ups the excitement. I don't believe that footballers are celebrities and nor do I believe that contestants from shows like X-Factor and Big Brother are. Some though, do still believe that a celebrity is anyone they read about or see on the television. Others - mainly older people I've found - would only class someone as a celebrity if they have a real talent or have done something in their live worth some recognition. 

Some people I really do believe to be celebrities are: Sandra Bullock, Meryl Streep, Kate Walsh, Johnny Depp, Michael Douglas, Reba McEntire, Celine Dion, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Sarah Jessica Parker, Angelina Jolie. Notice a pattern? Yes, most are actors who I feel have a genuine talent that should be recognised. There are so many more people who I see as celebrities, but the list would be too long haha!

Who do you see as a celebrity? 
Do you think the media really does dictate who we class as a celebrity?


50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind...

At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?

I think most recently it would have to be when I was scuba diving. It's a completely different and new experience for me and I feel so alive under the water. It's a really strange and surreal feeling and I hope I will continue on with it.

I feel I could become as passionate about scuba diving as I once was about Taekwondo....

Tomorrow's question is: 'If not now, then when?' but it is now, so I thought I'd just include this question in this post rather than tomorrow...


Instagram 002

It's been a pretty average week this week...nothing special really happened. Just lots of work and tiny amusements!

My instagram week:

One. I went to the Glass Centre - it shrunk me! Two. My mum gave me some caramel nibbles mmmm. Three. I found a journal in the library about Grey's Anatomy!!! Four. This magnetic nail polish is terrible - this is after two days. Five. I haven't had Ben & Jerry's in ages... Six. Bought The Perks of Being a Wallflower to read before the movie comes out. 

Seven. First ever lush ballistic and it crumbles to pieces... Eight. Went to watch Breaking Dawn (part 1). Nine. Had to resort to putting a padlock on my kitchen cupboard. Ten. Renewed my car tax disc. Eleven. I saw the gingerbread man, I bought the ginger bread man....I then ate the ginger bread man. Twelve. Skyped three times this week with Melissa and Ellie.



50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind...

What is your happiest childhood memory?  What makes it so special?

I can't remember too far back but of what I can remember, I'd say the holidays to Florida with my mum and dad were the happiest memory. We went a few times but each time was so different and even as I got older and we went, it was still such a happy time. 

When I was younger my fascination lay with the Disney characters and the 'magical' element which of course made me happy! When I was older I was more interested in the rides and roller coasters - and the shopping! So I think my happiest childhood memory is going to Florida. 


Nail Polish

This past year I have become a tad obsessed with nail polish. I must change the colour of my nails maybe two to three times a week! Partly because my nails seem to chip super easily so I have to take it all off and start again...and partly because I get bored so easily! I'll put a colour on, love it for a few days and then I'll just get bored of it and end up taking it off.

When it comes to which nail polishes I use; I've always thought I was a pretty loyal Barry M fan with the majority of my polishes by them. However, lately I've been reaching for other brands in store solely based on the colours I like. Is anyone else pretty loyal to one brand or do you just go for whatever colour you like at the time?

I will say, I do still love Barry M, but I feel I have so many of their colours now that my choice is becoming more limited each time. Here are the Barry M polishes I have:

Top: Matt White, Lemon, Block Orange, Bright Red, Red Glitter, Raspberry, Lime Green
Bottom: Spring Green, Green Glitter, Blue Moon, Cobalt Blue, Blue Glitter, Navy, Nail Effects (Black)

Some other Barry M polishes I have owned in the past are:

Nail Effect (White)

Bright Purple


Shocking Pink

Berry Ice Cream

My new favourite brand that I recently discovered is NYC. I only have four of their polishes but I hope to get more soon:

East Village, Canal Street, Bowery Black, Gramercy Glitz

I love how all the NYC polishes have really unique names and I think the quality of the polish itself is really really good and long lasting. I hope to get Chelsea, Flat Iron Green and Spring Street next!

Another brand which you'll all of heard of is Rimmel. I only have three Rimmel polishes and I'd say they are okay, but I'm not overly impressed:

Black Cab, Purple Pulse, Aqua Cool

The next three polishes I have are by a brand called '2true' which before I got these I honestly hadn't heard of. These three were on a 3 for £3 offer so I thought why not. They are not the best quality but they come out ok, especially the purple glittery one:

Shade 1 (bright pink), Shade 4 (purple glitter), Shade 4 (lime green)

Next is No7. I am not really into paying £7 for a bottle of nail polish unless it's pretty darn big and the only reason I have two No7 polishes is because one I was given, and the other I got £5 off with a boots voucher:

Totally Teal, Pink Glitter (doesn't say the actual name)

I'll admit the quality of No7 is really really good but I still couldn't justify spending £7!

Next is a random mix of nude coloured polishes. All three I got from different magazines:

Nails Inc - Basil Street, Leighton Denny - Super Model, Ciate - My Fair Lady

I absolutely love the Leighton Denny polish; it's one of my favourites. I was quite unimpressed with the nails inc polish considering it's normally so expensive - but I got it free so who cares!

Now onto my base and top coats, nothing much to say about these:

Miss Sporty silk base and top coat, Orly base coat

Finally, the miscellaneous polishes: 

Miss Sporty - Blue (can't find the name), Collection 200 - Metallic lilac, Fashionista (The Saturdays) - All Fired Up Red (magnetic), 17 - Wave

The Miss Sporty blue colour is alright...It looks better in the bottle than on but for £1.99 who can complain? The Collection 2000 polish was given to me, it again is alright, not bad, not particularly good. The Fashionista Magnetic polish I was so excited to try, but I had it on all of two days and it got heavily chipped - I didn't use my hands more than I normally do either! The 17 polish is such a lovely colour. My mum gave me this - it's her signature colour - and I have to say I see why she likes's such a cool colour that gets so many compliments. 

So, my nail polish collection isn't huge, but it's certainly growing. I just love trying out different colours and sometimes even alternating different colours on each nail which really does get people talking!

Are there any nail polishes you'd recommend? I'd love to hear them!



50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind...

Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?

No I don't it clearly doesn't matter to me much now haha.



These are all photos that left me feeling rather inspired....

(source: weheartit)


50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind...

Has your greatest fear ever come true?

The things I class as fears have come true; I have seen spiders and I have walked on heights and piers but my real deep fears have not come true no. And I wish it to stay that way.


Twilight: Breaking Dawn

Yesterday I went to see Breaking Dawn Part 1 and I'll admit I wasn't overly excited because I'm not really a Twihard fan but I felt I should go and see it seeing as I've seen all the others.

Breaking Dawn Part 1 covers the first half (ish) or the forth book in the series and begins with the lavish wedding of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. The decor was very over the top and the lead up to the couples vows was very touching. However, I was disappointed in Bella's dress. I won't go into great detail but it just didn't do it for me; it was too simple. From all the hype I really did expect something wow and I thought it fell flat.

We then move to the couples honeymoon on an island near Rio where they spend hours playing chess - yes I did say chess! - and making love destructively! Bella then remarkably gets pregnant and they head back to the Cullens -  I really get the feeling the writers are confused by the whole baby story here because originally it is said that to make a new vampire they have to be bitten but at this point the baby is made the human way. 

Without even realising, two weeks pass and we then see Bella after going through the speediest pregnancy ever! Time passes and Bella becomes weak and goes through an alarming physical change and then we go onto the gruesome part, the childbirth. I knew the story beforehand but the way they showed the birth of the baby was revolting, I mean we didn't really need to see it like that did we? I thought this movie was for younger children too, well after seeing it I think they will completely be put off child birth for life!

Don't know if you'll have noticed yet but there's really very little action. Unlike the other movies which combined the lives and precious moments between characters with the conflicts between feuding enemies, this movie just didn't.  The only major action came from a badly staged battle right near the end that lasted all of five minutes, in which Jacob had to choose between his wolf pack and the Cullens. 


The penultimate ending to the movie was centred around Jacob and idea that a werewolf can imprint on even a baby. He saw Renesme (Bella's daughter) and immediately imprinted, forming a bond between them and thus meaning the wolf pack cannot harm her. Their 'relationship' will surely be the starting point to Breaking Dawn Part 2, along with Bella and her transition to vampire.


Overall I did enjoy the movie but I just wish it was less mushy and all about Bella's pregnancy and more about rivalries or exploring the option of Bella transformation more. Also I wished they had more parts with Charlie showing his perspective. I know obviously they couldn't tell him what was going on but maybe show some scenes of him trying to contact Bella or the Cullens and them having to hide Bella? I don't know, they are just my ideas.

I will be going to watch Part 2 just because I feel like I may swell, but this Saga is just going down hill each movie so what should I really expect of the last one?

If you've seen the movie what did you think?
If you haven't, are you going to go and see it?

For those who haven't seen Breaking Dawn here's the trailers!


50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind...

Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?

I think everyone is curious about the truth and everyone has their suspicions whether the truth is actually the whole truth. To get the truth I believe you sometimes have to explore different things and get the the bottom of what the truth really is. 

So in answer to this, I think yes it is possible to know the truth without challenging it if you truly believe what you are first told to be the truth, but in all honesty who actually knows what the truth is without challenging it first? There are so many lies and over exaggerations in the world that I think there really is a need to challenge the truth first sometimes.




I've heard so many good things about LUSH stores and so many people shop there, so on Monday I thought I'd pop in and have a look. I was such a novice in there, I didn't know what you were supposed to do with the things or anything, until I spotted a girl putting her bath bomb into a little paper bag so I did the same haha...

So, I did end up buying a few things after being bombarded by the hundred of smells and colours!

I got a christmas themed bath ballistic called 'Abombinaball' which I plan to save until nearer christmas (partly because I don't have a bath at university haha)...

Isn't he just adorable! I can see when the time comes for me to use this I'm going to feel so guilty and not want too fizz him all away! So, as for the smell, he is described as 'Our big, shy snow monster ballistic, with a scent of peppermint oil, vanilla absolute and orange oil' but to be honest all I smell is the peppermint...a lot! Of all the things I bought I can smell mint over anything else and it just smells nice enough to eat. I believe the orange is a few layers inside and as for the vanilla, well, I just don't smell it. I'm actually really looking forward to using this because for starters I've never used a bath bomb before so that'll be a new experience, but also, I want to smell the other scents...I am loving the peppermint, but I want to see if the orange really is there. Another thing about Mr Abombinaball is his glittery outside, which 
is now all over my hands haha...

The next thing I bought is the 'Cinders' bath ballistic which I plan to use on Christmas Eve...mmmmm....

I have heard sooo many good things about this ballistic so I thought I'd go and smell it for myself, and all I can say is mmmmmmmm. I can just tell this is going to make such a warming and soothing bath. The idea is that the cinnamon and orange scent combined with the popping candy on the top are supposed to simulate sitting in front of a burning crackling fire. I really do get that sense just fro the smell so I can't even imagine what the bath will be like. This is why I am going to save this one for Christmas Eve because I just think that'll be the perfect time. This, compared to the Abombinaball is much smaller so I'd imagine it wouldn't last as long but this is much more for cold nights, whereas the minty scents of the other is to refresh you. 

Now onto the soaps, where I got two. I picked up 'Rockstar' and 'The Godmother'...

I picked up Rockstar after hearing mixed views on it; some saying it was awful and some saying it was the best of all soaps, and the minute I smelt it I knew I wanted it! For starters it's pink which automatically gives it awesome points, and then it smells like sweets mixed with vanilla which is a great mix in my nose (see what I did there!). As I stood taking in it's sweet smell, one of the store assistants came over to me and handed me a purple coloured soap and said; 'smell this, it's much better', which kind of surprised me because it was almost like he was telling me not to buy it...

So I smelt the purple/red soap, The Godmother...

...and I really did like it but Rockstar just ticked more boxes for me. The guy was shocked I said I preferred Rockstar and insisted I smell it some more. I did really like the smell - and sat here smelling them both now I actually prefer The Godmother haha. I was then told that I could just get a piece of both soaps in a 'Sweet Soap of Mine' pack for the price of one normal sized piece so I thought why not and thus the story of my introduction to Rockstar and The Godmother. The Godmother smells very very much like candy floss and sweets which is very much a smell I love! LUSH says that you should use this soap after washing dishes but I personally plan on using it in the shower! 

Me again! So when I embarked on my first LUSH journey, my real intention was to buy 'Snow Fairy' shower gel which I can safely say is one of the nicest smells ever! However, when I got to the store they only had the really big bottles which are wayyy too expensive, so I instead settled for The Godmother soap which is basically the exact same smell! I did still want Snow Fairy though, so on Wednesday I went back to the store and much to my surprise they had the regular sized bottles!

This shower gel seriously smells like heaven! It is bright pink in colour and has tiny glitter flecks running through it (except they are only at the bottom of the bottle). It smells like a mix between bubblegum, candy floss and pear drops and is the sweetest smell ever! Who wouldn't want a bit of Snow Fairy in their life this Christmas? 

*UPDATE!* Yesterday I took Mr Abombinaball out of the bag to show my mum and he literally crumbled into a million pieces! I was actually crushed...I think I can still use him but that isn't the point...this has actually put me of LUSH.

Are you a fan of LUSH? What's your favourite thing to buy if you are?


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