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Yesterday I went to see Breaking Dawn Part 1 and I'll admit I wasn't overly excited because I'm not really a Twihard fan but I felt I should go and see it seeing as I've seen all the others.
Breaking Dawn Part 1 covers the first half (ish) or the forth book in the series and begins with the lavish wedding of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. The decor was very over the top and the lead up to the couples vows was very touching. However, I was disappointed in Bella's dress. I won't go into great detail but it just didn't do it for me; it was too simple. From all the hype I really did expect something wow and I thought it fell flat.
We then move to the couples honeymoon on an island near Rio where they spend hours playing chess - yes I did say chess! - and making love destructively! Bella then remarkably gets pregnant and they head back to the Cullens - I really get the feeling the writers are confused by the whole baby story here because originally it is said that to make a new vampire they have to be bitten but at this point the baby is made the human way.
Without even realising, two weeks pass and we then see Bella after going through the speediest pregnancy ever! Time passes and Bella becomes weak and goes through an alarming physical change and then we go onto the gruesome part, the childbirth. I knew the story beforehand but the way they showed the birth of the baby was revolting, I mean we didn't really need to see it like that did we? I thought this movie was for younger children too, well after seeing it I think they will completely be put off child birth for life!
Don't know if you'll have noticed yet but there's really very little action. Unlike the other movies which combined the lives and precious moments between characters with the conflicts between feuding enemies, this movie just didn't. The only major action came from a badly staged battle right near the end that lasted all of five minutes, in which Jacob had to choose between his wolf pack and the Cullens.
The penultimate ending to the movie was centred around Jacob and idea that a werewolf can imprint on even a baby. He saw Renesme (Bella's daughter) and immediately imprinted, forming a bond between them and thus meaning the wolf pack cannot harm her. Their 'relationship' will surely be the starting point to Breaking Dawn Part 2, along with Bella and her transition to vampire.
Overall I did enjoy the movie but I just wish it was less mushy and all about Bella's pregnancy and more about rivalries or exploring the option of Bella transformation more. Also I wished they had more parts with Charlie showing his perspective. I know obviously they couldn't tell him what was going on but maybe show some scenes of him trying to contact Bella or the Cullens and them having to hide Bella? I don't know, they are just my ideas.
I will be going to watch Part 2 just because I feel like I may swell, but this Saga is just going down hill each movie so what should I really expect of the last one?
If you've seen the movie what did you think?
If you haven't, are you going to go and see it?
For those who haven't seen Breaking Dawn here's the trailers!
For those who haven't seen Breaking Dawn here's the trailers!
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