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Pink puffs attack!

Evening all! 

No you haven't stumbled across an alien life form, or a strange pink animal, it is in fact my new EAR MUFFS!

All I can say is where have these been my whole life! At first when I saw them I just laughed and then walked away, but when I saw they were only £5 and then realised how big they were I  knew I had to buy them even if I do look like a fool wearing them! I put them on today and my ears were toasty warm - that's once I got past the fact I couldn't actually hear very much with them on...

These are by far the best ear muffs I have ever seen and I bought them from a small chinese boutique-type stand. The woman also had animal hats, fluffy scarves and animal gloves ^_^


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  1. so pink, I hate pink, but they look nice.
