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I'm such a dork!

As many of you may or may not know, Kate Walsh does a vlog most weeks where she answers our questions through a video. For her next blog however she doesn't just want us all to type our questions but instead she has asked that we film ourselves asking the question and she will answer some in a special video. 

Now normally I shy away from videoing myself as I'm just super awkward when I have tried it in the past, but this time I thought to myself, Emma, you want Kate to answer your question right? (I do), so why not just go for it! So that's what I did yesterday. I thought of a completely random question and just asked it! Needless to say, watching the video back I did cringe slightly at my awkwardness but hey, you don't get if you don't try!

So, here's the video...please be nice! I'm definitely not a vlogger or a video person and I think I've decided that I may just stick with typing from now on! haha


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