The subject of celebrity has always been high in conversation with may people, but I have found it's come up much more so since I have been at university. I have written a feature about celebrity, I have discussed celebrity in my classes and I recently did a group presentation about celebrity.
Now, I'm not talking about celebrity talk like; 'oh she's wearing a nice dress' or 'did you see that movie so and so is in', oh no, I'm talking about what actually makes a person a celebrity. This is a major topic in today's society with the line being blurred more and more each day as to who is and isn't a 'celebrity'.
The definition of 'celebrity' varies but the general gist is: 'a famous or well-known person'. Now this in my eyes is what causes the blur of who is actually a celebrity because anyone can become well-known nowadays through many television shows, websites such as YouTube, through who their family is or who they marry. Take Justin Bieber, he was just an ordinary boy with a singing ability (some may dispute even this) who posted one YouTube video and then became a world-wide phenomenon almost over night. Now he is what many people would class as a celebrity and rightly so because he has a recognisable talent but is it right that anyone can become a celebrity over night?
Many of today's celebrities such as Olly Murs and Stacey Soloman gained their celebrity 'status' through talent competitions like X-Factor. Whether they have a talent or not, these shows are basically there to produce short-term celebrities. The fame gained from these shows never really lasts very long or at least not by the act continuing their singing career. Stacey Soloman is still widely famous now but not because of her third place singing talents, but instead because of her appearance on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! She now appears in adverts for Iceland, which appear after the show and yet she is still seen as a celebrity by a lot of people.
We as the public are very much told by the media who is and isn't a celebrity and sometimes it seems like we are told who we should class as a celebrity just for that day! When we read magazines, they heavily focus on famous figures such as The Kardashians' and Paris Hilton who originally only became celebrities through their families. Without this boost into the spotlight, they wouldn't have reached the high places they are at now.
Ever noticed that many older actors are not really featured in magazines or newspapers? People like Michael Douglas and Helen Mirren, although they have many many movies under their belts, are very rarely featured in today's media and are instead replaced by younger, more 'saleable' celebrities. Now, surely these people have the talent to be classed as a celebrity, so surely they too should feature in magazines? I have seen that many older actors are only featured in the media if they are in some how closely related to a younger celebrity, or if they are going through an illness - as with Michael Douglas earlier this year. This quickly gets overshadowed though by stories like 'Plastic Surgery Shockers' and the latest affairs people are having. Yes, there is a demand for these types of content, but what message is being sent if the media only focuses on younger and more attractive celebrities.
It's my opinion that each individual sees a celebrity as something different. Earlier this year I would have seen a celebrity as anyone featured in a magazine for more than two issues. Now however, I see a celebrity as someone I would get excited to meet or an actor. That may seem silly, because they are only people after all, but I think it's about meeting someone who you have followed in a television show, or through pages of magazines that ups the excitement. I don't believe that footballers are celebrities and nor do I believe that contestants from shows like X-Factor and Big Brother are. Some though, do still believe that a celebrity is anyone they read about or see on the television. Others - mainly older people I've found - would only class someone as a celebrity if they have a real talent or have done something in their live worth some recognition.
Some people I really do believe to be celebrities are: Sandra Bullock, Meryl Streep, Kate Walsh, Johnny Depp, Michael Douglas, Reba McEntire, Celine Dion, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Sarah Jessica Parker, Angelina Jolie. Notice a pattern? Yes, most are actors who I feel have a genuine talent that should be recognised. There are so many more people who I see as celebrities, but the list would be too long haha!
Who do you see as a celebrity?
Do you think the media really does dictate who we class as a celebrity?
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