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50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind...

When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

I think this really depends on the person. I mean some people are more do-ers and others more say-ers which will obviously change the outcome of if you will have said more than you've done. I think I'm more of a say-er. I say I'm going to do sooooo many things like save money for instance but then I never actually do it. Others live their life as do-ers by which everything they say they do follow up and actually do. However, some things I have done, I haven't always said I was going to do beforehand so therefore I could well have done more than I've said.

So in answer to this question; I think it comes down to each individual person. I personally have probably said more than I've done but you may be sat reading this thinking you've done everything or even more of what you've said.... 


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