This is a slightly random post and I wasn't even sure whether or not to publish it but I decided to so here it is. As you may or may not know, I watch a lot of television shows and so this gets a lot of things swirling round in my head - mainly from crime shows like CSI and Law and Order: SVU. Now obviously I know the shows aren't real and I know the story lines are exaggerated and made up but I still can't help but get 'scared'.
My current imaginary 'scared moment' has come from watching an episode of CSI in which a man wearing a lycra suit and walking round on his hands and knees attacks a woman in her car. He hid in the back of her car and then came up behind her and slit her throat - lovely I know! Anyway, ever since watching this episode, every time I get into my car - whether it be day or night - I always lock the doors and check the back seats several times to make sure no one is there. Now you're all probably laughing at this point but this is actually what I do; my imagination is way to active and I get too many television show story lines in my head!
Another thing is, I can't watch these types of crime shows or shows with killers on my own - or at least not at night because afterwards I don't like to go upstairs on my own (I'm 18 so this shouldn't be an issue I'm facing haha), to be honest, this happens even when I watch the show with somebody. I don't know what goes through my head but I honestly think that someone is going to be in my house waiting to kill me or something, but sitting here writing this I'm actually laughing at myself for even thinking this.
When I'm in my room trying to get to sleep, I'm fine when my eyes are open but then the minute I shut them it's almost like I'm watching several different television screens at once and all these scary scenes and scenarios rush through my head visually and it's a really weird feeling that I find so hard to explain. This is usually followed by me opening my eyes and just lying for ages with my eyes wide open. I think television shows really are having a bad effect on'd think I'd just stop watching them wouldn't you?
Another thing I just want to mention to do with my overactive imagination is my dreams. I know everyone dreams, and everyone has scary/weird dreams once-in-a-while but I seriously have them every night! One of my dreams was about a gorilla (yes I said gorilla) walking around my grandmas garden and then I there a banana to distract it but instead that just made it go in the garage. My grandma then got home and I pleaded with her not to go out into the garden or the garage but she ignored me did anyway, and as soon as she walked through the garage door....I woke up!!!! Weird dream or what?
Another dream I have had which was a recurring dream for weeks was about a large group of Spartans attacking my house and I ended up hiding under tables so they couldn't see me. They knocked down the front door and charged into the kitchen at me and just as they were about to kill me...I woke up!! The weird thing about this dream was 1. that it was recurring for weeks and weeks and 2. It stopped as soon as we moved to another house.
I've had these weird dreams and been 'scared' like this for years now but I just find it really hard to understand why, at 18, television shows are still affecting me in this way - or at least I think it's the television shows! Least I know if anyone was in my car or in my house I would be ready for them haha!
Do any of you have the same sorts of recurring dreams or have the same thoughts after watching television shows? I'd love to hear about it if you do, or even just hear about what you think of what I've just written!
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