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100 Things That Make Me Happy [Part Five]

To see the rest of the 100 things that make me happy series click here!

Woah, this is really getting tough now....but here goes...

#41 Being at home

When I'm at university it really hits me how much I love being at home and how much happier I am....

#42 Stars

Especially when you get a really clear night where there is sooooo many stars!

#43 My birthday

My birthday makes me happy....and not just because of the presents haha

#44 Magpies eating the seed in the garden

They can't get to the seed in the hanging things so we sprinkle it on the ground and it's lovely to watch them eating it :)

#45 Suddenly getting an idea for a project/assignment/essay etc

#46 Rainbows

#47 Driving at night

I don't know why this makes me happy but it just does...unless it's raining...

#48 Twitter

#49 Tumblr


Obviously not every quote out there but reading a good inspirational quote just makes me happy :)

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