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The observers of you all may have noticed that my information has changed slightly to the side of this post. As of last week I officially changed over to Fashion Journalism at university after filling out the vaguest form ever. I made the decision a while ago to move courses, after initially starting in September doing Magazine Journalism, I began to have doubts throughout the year as to whether the broad area of 'magazines' was where I wanted to be heading. I decided that I did want to work in a magazine and that is where my interests lie, I just want to work specifically for a fashion magazine and so that is why the decision to move over to Fashion Journalism became such an easy one to make. I'm feeling so much happier now about the next two years and I honestly feel like I'm going to thoroughly enjoy my course.

In other news, I'm now home for Easter break (whoop whoop!) which  is such a good feeling. Although I'm starting to enjoy myself a bit more at university, I am always going to miss home, that's just the type of person I am. These next three weeks will be a welcomed break at home...

So, this was just a quick post to check in with you all and let you now the goings on in my life. Talk soon!



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