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jumper: topshop (new, but can't find on website)
dress (worn as skirt): h&m
jacket: topshop
boots: topshop (via ebay)
collar: h&m
belt: primark
nails: louise gray for topshop 'pinch punch'

I'm quite pleased with my photography skills this time around. I'm just trying to get used to the whole tripod and self-timer thing which is challenging to say the least. Also not helping is the terrible lighting I have to deal with in my room here, I tried by the window though and it seems to work better than my last attempt; is it really better? 

Anyway, this is what I wore today to go to class. Sitting around in lectures surprisingly isn't the most comfortable of tasks so I try to go for ease and wearable as well as 'fashion', which is the reason why I love this slouchy jumper (that I actually only bought yesterday!). To give it a tad more shape over the dress I added a belt; I'm really loving belts at the moment. This jumper was definitely destined to come home with me. Whilst wandering around Topshop, eyeing up everything I want - which is a lot, I spotted this on its own, no where else to be seen, and it just so happened to be in my size; perfect. This was my best buy of the day along with marshmallow 'fluff' and nerds but I'll save those for a later discussion...

How was your weekend? What is the best thing you've bought lately?

Emma xo
follow me on TWITTER and instagram at iamemmawilde

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