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(the third outfit is my favourite; love it!) 
Creepers are definitely a love it or hate it kind of thing but recently they have really grown on me and I sort of like them now. I'll admit, at first I did think they were just gothic shoes only to be worn with black, dark looking outfits; basically scary looking shoes! Oh how I was mistaken. Having searched through weheartit and lookbook, I've come to realise just how many different outfits they can be paired with: dresses, jeans, skirt, leggings and the list is pretty endless - and they look really lovely with frilly socks. They can make a really girly outfit a little more dark and edgy without leaning too far to the gothic-y side and although so many people have them now, they are also very unique looking which I like.

I currently have my eye on some from eBay - I'm not getting the 'proper' underground ones as they are far too expensive - which are the plain black style because I think they will go with a lot more; watch this space! What are your thoughts on creepers? Are you a fan?

Emma xo
all images are taken from weheartit - I take no credit
follow me on TWITTER and instagram at iamemmawilde

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  1. i love creepers! i recently just bought a pair off ebay and did a whole blog post about them - they're taking a while to break in though :( xxx

    1. Ahh I'll check out your post! oh no really? You'll have to let me know how well they break in!

  2. At first i hated creeper and thought they were awful and only fashion try-hards would ever wear them... now they are kinda growing on me and i am tempted to buy a pair!

    1. I was exactly the same, you should definitely get a pair! :)

  3. I love the outfits!! I have knock-off creepers, though they still look just as great! xo

    1. Yes they just are so versatile....ahh really, thats good then! (:

  4. I suspect Im a bit older than most of you.. I wore them at the end of the 90s, when every brand made a platform sneaker. I didn't think I liked the resurgence either, and then today I realized that my old creeper style work shoes from when I worked at a diner (Shoes For Crews brand!) Solved a wardrobe problem today. Im think im going to give them a makeover to look less like waitress shoes, and do a post on it.

    I still don't like the really flashily gothy ones, I think they are too costumey. But I think I can make these into something I like.
