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So I just had a complete lightbulb moment and realised that it was my blogs first birthday last Wednesday (10th) and I totally forgot - sad times! I thought I'd still write this post because I'm so happy with how my little blog has developed over the year; admittedly at first it was pretty bad, my grammar was terrible and my photographs weren't great but still, I can see it's come a long way since then. 

I can honestly say that this year has helped me a lot in figuring out my own voice and also in really improving my writing as a whole. I actually enjoy blogging now too whereas at first I saw it as kind of a chore and I was reluctant to even start a blog, but now I'm so glad that I did and I hope to keep it going for years and years!

Last thing, thank you everyone who reads and comments on my blog and especially thank you everyone who follows it, it just makes me so happy to read your comments and I love finding new blogs to read in the process!

Emma xo
image taken from weheartit
follow me on TWITTER and instagram at iamemmawilde

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  1. Congratulations, I really love reading your blog, it's fab! <3 xx

  2. congrats! I just found your blog and I like it!

  3. happy happy first birthday to your blog and congratulations to you on this milestone! i am so happy i got to know you through this blog! :D

    <3, Mimi
    LensVillage Giveaway

  4. Aw congrats on a year of blogging! Xo
