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Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation - Boots

After hearing so many glowing (ironic?) reviews about this foundation on both blogs and youtube, I decided to take the £8.99 plunge and just buy it - I have since discovered that Bots are now selling it for £6.99 on a special £2 off Rimmel products deal. 

After using this foundation now for I think around three weeks, I can honestly say it's well worth the money. It feels very light weight on your skin which is surprising considering it's a medium to possibly full coverage product, and it leaves you with a dewy glow that isn't matte but isn't shiny - a happy medium I'd say. The idea behind the 'wake me up' part of this foundation lies with the tiny flecks of glitter in the foundation itself  that Rimmel claims: 'lifts skin from fatigue with a healthy, radiant glow.' It does make your skin feel more glowing in my opinion and although the glitter is noticeable on the skin (see above photo) it isn't that noticeable that you look like a disco ball. 

I was concerned when purchasing this foundation that there would be a limited colour range as I've heard people say that quite frequently but when it came down to it, I think, although there won't be an exact match for everyone, I think there are enough shades to find one that will work. I ended up going with Natural Beige which for me is perfect; it's a tad darker than my skin tone but not too much that I look orange. 

Also, I just love the packaging; for a drug store product, the glass bottle is very sturdy and the pump is great and so much easier to work with. One thing which is definitely a love hate bout this product I've noticed s the bright orange lid - I personally love it, especially the glitter flecks too, but I know a lot of people think this makes it look cheap? I just love everything about the packaging.

I know I'm no expert when it comes to this but I jet wanted to share my thoughts. I really would recommend this foundation; it has great coverage, a great finish and it has SPF15 which is an added bonus! One thing I would say though is if you have oilier skin you may need a matte powder over the top as it isn't oil-free and therefore I doubt it would last as long on the skin without. 



shirt: primark
jeggings: new look
vans: footasylum
bracelets: pandora, river island (skull) & gift
nails: topshop's hidden treasure

Just a quick OOTD for you today; I had a review planned but it got late (now) and I'm tired so hopefully that'll be up tomorrow! I wore this outfit on sunday when I went for a lovely pub lunch with my mum and dad. I thought turned up bottoms looked better but I'm in desperate need of some proper 'ankle grazing' jeans rather than this terrible pair (and an ordinary pair of jeans too!).

This week is totally dragging for me. I honestly can't even think what day it is, I keep thinking it's thursday but thats obviously use wishful thinking anyone else's week going super slow?

Oh also, what do you guys think of the editing of these photos. I really love the rounded edges and I have finally figured out how to make everything the same width - it's only been 8 months! I like this editing, might do it for all my I the only one who thinks it looks better? 

Enough of my ramblings, good night all - or good morning/afternoon if you're reading this not at night :S haha





1. Thank the person which nominated you and link to her blog.
The lovely Celene over at Vintage-Teapot nominated me for this award :D

2. Tell us how the idea of making a blog popped-up and what makes you continue it. Well, I had read blogs for some time before I started my own and really loved the idea of being able to share your thoughts/views/opinions/ loves etc etc with people of similar interests. I didn't end up starting a blog though until my dad persuaded me that it would be a good thing to do to help with both my writing and my future - studying journalism. I continue now simply because I love blogging!

3. Describe a usual day of your life: Well, i've finished university now for the summer so usually I would just sit around the house all summer bored but this year I got myself a job right out of finishing my first year. So basically I get up at around half 7 - 8 each day, each my cornflakes (the question does say describe!) and then if I start work at 10 I usually am ready to leave by half 9, if I start at 11 I sit and blog/watch tv and then am ready to leave by half 10. I spend my day crediting checking, staring at a computer for 9 hours and eating...then I get home, eat some more, browse the internet and the sleep. Funfilled!

4. The best collaboration with a blogger: Umm...I havent collaborated with any bloggers :S this question confuses me!

5. Worst collaboration with a blogger Same as above.

6. Explain what having this blog means to you: My blog actually means a great deal to me. It's an outlet for me to just write whatever is on my mind at that moment. Through blogging, my writing has improved so so much and I'm slowly developing my own voice which means so much especially in my chosen career of journalism. I love my blog and all the people who read and's nice to know people actually enjoy reading what I write.

7. Nominate other 5 bloggers I nominate:




Long time no book review; I'm sorry about that. I've been trying to juggle working and finishing books which is difficult when you get home and just want to do nothing haha. I did eventually finish divergent though and wow what a brilliant book! 

One choice decides your friends, defines your beliefs and determines your loyalties...forever. 

Divergent is a dystopian story set in the future of Chicago where society is divided into five factions all with one, different, specific trait - Abnegation (the selfless), Candor (the honest), Erudite (the intelligent), Dauntless (the brave) and Amity (the peaceful). Every year on a set date, al the sixteen-year-olds must take an aptitude test to steer them in a certain direction of choosing which faction to spend the rest of their lives in. For Beatrice, the choice is between two; she can stay with her born-to faction or leave her family and all she has known and go to the faction she really belongs to. Her choice surprises everyone including herself.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book; it's definitely a real page-turner, I found myself unable to put the book down all the way through (I did manage however, sleep did end up taking priority).The characters were so believable and we really got a sense of who each individual was and why they belonged with their chosen faction.

One thing I didn't like though was the ending. Without giving away any spoilers, the most enjoyable parts for me really focused on the characteristics of each faction, their members and the initiation process showing the rules, ranks etc etc. And most of the book does follow that route. 

However, towards the end the book suddenly takes on a new direction and focuses on uprisings, military style wars and politics surrounding the factions. It almost felt like just as we were getting to know each faction, the book pulled them all apart, and far to soon in my opinion. I think this sort of thing would have best suited to the end of the series, rather than the end of the first book. I do still this this is a brilliant read and would highly recommend this book.

The ending aside, I found myself left with a real interesting question and discussion point: If you had to chose only one faction to live in for the rest of your life, which faction would you choose? 

Abnegation - the faction that values selflessness. 
Candor - the faction that values honesty.
Erudite - the faction who lives in pursuit of knowledge.
Dauntless - the faction who tests their bravery by attempting death defying tasks.
Amity - the faction who values peace.


The Factionless - the group of people who failed their initiation process and now live in poverty doing the jobs no one else wants to do. 

Which faction would you choose? 



birthday gifts - so so happy with my new Alexander McQueen book! // flowers and chocolates from work colleagues // beautiful flowers // demolishing my chocolates // my view all week :| // taste the rainbow // McDonalds toffee sundae // WWF 50 pence

off to work...on a saturday // new buys // odd mood // new book - loving picfx too! // sorted out my wardrobes // best drink ever // pub lunch, window view // fudge brownies // pic monkey = amazing 


// instagram //



jumper: topshop
jeans: new look
vans: footasylum
necklaces: warehouse (feather) & old (mirror)
bracelets: pandora & gift 

Considering the lighting was quickly disappearing by the time I got in from work, these photos didn't turn out all that bad. I got this jumper last week from Topshop after umming and ahhing over it a few times before. This is definitely a jumper you go down a size with or you'll end up looking like you're wearing a tent. 

I finally got a chance to wear my Vans...sort of...well not exactly. I wanted to wear them today but seeing the awful rainy weather outside, I was afraid of getting them dirty (strange I know); these are what I would have at least liked to have worn today if the weather had permitted. 

I'm really enjoying these outfit posts, it's actually making me think a lot more about what I wear and what I put isn't doing so well for my bank account though! Do you like seeing OOTD posts on my blog? Curious; what types of posts are your favourites? 



Vintage Pink 180 - Boots £6.29

A couple of weeks ago I read about Rimmel's Vintage Pink lipstick and how great it was, so that in mind, I set off to Boots to buy my own. Lately my love for lip products is growing more and more; I'd say I'm definitely a lipstick person now, although, I'm no daring enough to wear bright reds or fuchsia's just yet!

Anyway, I bought vintage pink and immediately fell in love with it. It is definitely more of an autumn/winter shade I feel but it's still wearable now especially in the UK as our summer is non-existent. The colour is a very deep mauve/plum purple that definitely leans more to the pink side on my lips but I have seen it on others as a more plum coloured shade.

True to its 'moisture renew' name, this lipstick is very very moisturising and very creamy on the lips and surprisingly has good staying power which you wouldn't normally expect from such a creamy product. The pigmentation is great and again, varies depending on your natural lip pigmentation. This is definitely the most daring lipstick I own - other than a red which I don't dare to wear.

As for the packaging; I know a lot of people think it's quite tacky/cheap/drugstore-ish but I personally really like the purple tube. It definitely stands out from my other lipsticks and I think it's a fun alternative to an ordinary tube. Although it's plastic, the packaging does seem sturdy and the lid clicks in place which I like. Obviously I haven't shown the lipstick across the room or anything like that so I can't say just how sturdy it is, but for in your handbag it's fine.

This is definitely one of my favourite lipsticks and come autumn/winter, I can see this will be my go-to shade. I'm keen to try some more of the moisture renew shades if you have any suggestions. Also, I'd love some mauve/pink toned suggestions too!

Have you tried Vintage Pink by Rimmel? 



 Essie Mint Candy Apple - £7.99 (boots)

After much deliberation I finally caved in and bought an Essie nail polish. For the past couple of weeks, each time I've been in Boots I've picked up Mint Candy Apple, wandered the store with it, got to the till and then changed my mind. The thought of spending £8 on a nail polish actually pains me inside but last weekend I finally took the plunge and just bought it! 

All I can say is that it is definitely worth the price and I'm so so glad that I decided to get it. In fact, I think this is the best nail polish I've ever used; the application is easy, it literally just glides onto your nail and because of the extra thick brush, it is so quick and doesn't leave your nails looking streaky like some polishes do. It's also super fast drying and finishes with a lovely shiny look (although I still used a top coat - habit). I have to say, I was slightly disappointed with the colour on my nails. In the bottle it looks a very mint greenish shade but on the nails it's definitely more of a blue tone, very similar to Blue Moon by Barry M except that has slight shimmer. This aside, I still love this polish and think to is well worth it. 

I've only had this on my nails for a couple of days but so far it hasn't chipped or worn which is great! I usually change my nails every 3-4 days but I think I'll keep this on longer...don't want to waste it at that price! Speaking of the price again, think I'll be splurging a little more in the near future on a few other shades that I have my eye on. Any recommendations?

Emma xo



Carmex Cherry Lip Balm - Boots

You have probably all either heard of or tried some form of Carmex lip balm but up until recently, I was one of those very few people who hadn't. Now I know there are so so so many reviews out there for this but I just wanted to share with you just how much I lot this product and have my own little rave about it :).

This lip balm comes in a tiny pot which isn't to everyones liking but I personally don't mind it. The warmth of your finger softens the balm just enough so it comes out of the pot so easily and smooths onto your lips. 
There's nothing worse than than a lip balm you can't get out of the pot!

Now, I'm definitely not one of those people who constantly has dry lips, but for some reason or another my lips do crack quite a bit which makes wearing lipstick/gloss/butter a difficult thing. I apply Carmex in the morning, at night and before applying anything on my lips and since using it, I've found that my lips are so soft and smooth and the cracks are all gone. This is actually the most amazing lip balm I have ever tried, I don't think I'll be using any others for a long time. 

Also what I like is the scent. I went for the cherry one rather than the original just because I love when things have a lovely smell, especially lip products. It's almost good enough to eat (please do not eat it though!). Other things I love about this lip balm are that it has SPF 15 in it - you have to protect our lips from the sun - and that it leaves your lips with a tingling sensation for a few minutes afterwards which for me, just goes as an indication that it's actually doing something unlike some balms which don't seem to have any effect. This is actually my holy grail lip balm and I will definitely be stocking up on it; one for my bag, one for my bedside table and one for my bathroom I think haha. Is that a tad extreme? I don't think so.

Have you tried Carmex cherry lip balm? If you haven't then I'd suggest you do asap as it's amazing! Is there any other Carmex products you'd recommend?

Carmex is available at Boots and Superdrug for around £2.69 (correct me if I'm wrong) per 7.5g or at Savers for £1.99.



For the July issue of US Vogue Emma Stone covers photographed by Mario Testino wearing a look from Nina Ricci's Autumn/Winter 2012 collection. As soon as  saw this cover I knew I didn't like it. I think it's a combination of Emma's blonde hair, odd styling (sorry Nina Ricci!) and boring pose that just really doesn't make me want to buy this cover. 

Emma has returned to her blonde hair for her latest movie, The Amazing Spider-Man, but I just think her red hair would have made this cover a little more exciting. Maybe that's just me? 

What do you think of Emma Stone's July cover of US Vogue? Do you like her look?


starbucks free iTunes song | technic nails | empty office :( | jelly babies | stairs I climb each day | rizzoli and isles season 3! | chocolate fudge cake at work | cows and calves | pylon | closer to the pylon | under the pylon | true blood season 5! | new candle - apple and toffee pie | horrible nails | vain much? | listening to the radio at lunchtime | FOTD | favourite song at the moment | first OOTD post | trafford centre trip | stores still closed at 09:45am | grandma's roses | my new doll - I love it | topshop buys |

Well as you may or may not be able to tell; I went a tad instagram mad this past week or so and in the process I rediscovered my love for pylons - I just love photographing them so much, weird huh? Also happy two of my favourite shows are back for new seasons, both with brilliant first episodes; if you don't already watch True Blood and Rizzoli and Isles then I insist you start.

This week I also found myself doing my first ever OOTD post which I'll admit was a tad strange standing in front of a camera having my photo taken several times, but I just really wanted to get yesterday's outfit on this here blog. Also, I can tell I'm going to quickly become one of those people who own wayyy too many things from Topshop. The addiction has begun! I can't believe I've gone from hating a store to loving it in a matter of a week or so...

I hope you all had a lovely week, and your weekend is just as lovely :)

Follow my instagram here (@iamEmmaWilde).



jumper: internationale
shirt: h&m
jeans: new look
shoes: new look (old)
necklace: accessorize
ring: miss selfridge
bracelets: river island (skull) & gift (old)
nails: ciate purple sherbet & broadway nails stickers

Today I was having one of those days where I really liked my outfit and I thought to myself, I want to do an outfit of the day post. I can really see this becoming a regular thing on my blog; I don't want it to take over but I would like to start introducing myself and my 'fashion' more into my blog to make it a bit more personal. 

I wore this for dress down day at work...thank goodness it's friday is all I can say. This week has dragged so so much, I just hope the weekend drags too! At the moment I've found that I'm really loving collared shirts under jumpers, this shirt especially because I just love the floral detailing. I just went with minimal jewellery because I thought the collar and the necklace were quite bold, and then my shoes I wore silver open 'sandals' which I never do...I'm toying with my style at the moment though, eventually I'm sure I'll have the 'perfect' wardrobe to suit me but for now I'm just trying out different things. 

Emma xo



Today I was thinking, how could I get my instagram onto my blog (other than the widget) so that you can view my photos and follow me (wishful thinking there haha) without having to be on a mobile phone. I came across this nifty little site that does just this AND that comes with a bar code to scan with your phone to instantly get onto my profile - oh you lucky lucky people! 

I have found instagram to be quite addictive, pretty much photographing everything I see, eat, do etc...although lately there has been a real shortage of food photos - I reality should rectify that. I hope you enjoy looking at my daily instagramming ways and if not then my only advice to you is to stop looking!

You can the bar code above or follow me here! :)

If you have instagram I'd love to check out your profile...leave me your user names in the comments! 



So, from this random set of photographs I think we can conclude that I have an odd fascination with pylons, the cows were being uncooperative and that that snail was in the wrong place at the wrong time which sadly resorted in him/her having a camera put in his/her face....

I promise that normal blogging will resume shortly :)

(post title from 'Looking Through Your Eyes' - Leanne Rimes)

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