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Prepare yourselves for two weeks worth of instagram! 

sneaky Zara purchase | song of the day | always raining | watching Iron Lady - never again! | lasagne mmmm | empty carpark | strawberries & cream frappachino (: | big shopping spree | bargain ragged priest denim jacket

weekend reading | jam crumpets  for breakfast | best smelling shower smoothie | discovered shazam does lyrics :o | song of the day | machine gave me 
two packs of skittles! | fotd | weekly teen wolf | snuggie 

hot chocolate and blogging | me | beach party nails | me again | loving my vans | above the knuckle ring from kukee | diet coke fan | song of the day - 
obsessed | food shopping with mum 

bargain top - £2.50 instead of £20! | new military-style jacket | before... | ...during... | ...after :) | a few blogger raved products | song of the day - 
not really | new print dress | finally writing this post

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