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#10 random facts // #09 loves // #08 fears // #07 wants // #06 places // #05 foods // #04 
books // #03 films // #02 songs // #01 picture of yourself.

1. My family. Especially my mum and dad. 

2. My iPhone. I know this is a very materialist one but my phone does absolutely everything. It has the internet, photos, movies, music, twitter, instagram, a phone (doh!), everything. 

3. American TV shows. If you read my blog regularly, you'll know just how many shows I watch on a regular basis - a lot! I'd feel lost without these shows. 

4. Dr Pepper. I used to hate this drink but now if I could only drink one thing for the rest of my life (other than water) it would be Dr Pepper. 

5. Clothes/fashion. I love reading about it, buying it, wearing it (it'd be bad if I didn't!) and I just want a career that revolves around fashion. 

6. America. This is a random one but I just love that country so much! Sure, I've only ever been to two states, but I hope to visit a lot more of them in my life, and someday even live there.

7. Taekwondo. I don't train regularly now at all because of university but I used to enjoy it so so much and I would love to get my 2nd dan at some point. 

8. The colour pink. I went off pink for a while, but now I just love it. Weirdly enough though, I only own one pink item of clothing.  

9. Food. Doesn't everyone love food? 

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