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(Source: Wonderland)

I can almost guarantee that a large majority of you reading this now will have just had the exact same reaction to this Wonderland cover as I did. How amazingly amazing is it?! I've never really been a fan of Dakota Fanning and I have been getting so bored of her and Elle's sister covers which just lack any really greatness. However, when I saw this I was super excited and thrilled that she has landed such a quirky looking cover. 

Photographed by Cedric Buchet, Dakota's styling is very much that of a lady's as the title so rightly says 'Portrait of a Lady' and I just love the mouse crawling out of her hat; such a great touch! 

This is one of the best covers I've seen in a long while and I'll definitely be trying to get my hands on it. 

What do you think of Dakota Fanning's April/May cover of Wonderland? Will you be buying this issue?

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