Being away at university now just means that when the time comes that I get to go home, it's even more exciting. Happy times.
#52 Chocolate
#53 Watching thunder storms from inside
As long as there's a thick pane of glass separating me and the thunder storm then all is good. I just love watching the lightning...
#54 Holding a door for someone
This is random but the kind act of holding a door for someone really does make me happy...after all, do to others as you would like done to that even the saying?
#55 Lying in bed, warm, watching a movie or television show
#57 Finishing a book
It feels like I've accomplished something haha
#58 Spraying all the different perfumes in department stores
#59 Finding money on the floor
Not so happy for the person who lost it though...I'm only talking £5 etc not millions :L
#60 Finishing an essay
(source: weheartit)
Hey Emma, I saw your tweet and I really like your new design. The title looks really pro too :) Also, I couldn't agree more that holding the door open for someone is a very thoughtful act :)