I've seen a few bloggers who have posted about their favourite iPhone apps and I thought to myself, why not share my favourites :D
So, here are my top five apps:
Twitter: This one is self explanatory really and this is probably many peoples favourite app too! I would be lost without having Twitter on my phone. It is super easy to use and just makes my dashboard so accessible!
Viber: Basically, this is just an app that allows you to ring and text other iPhone users for free which is good when ringing my mum and dad whilst I'm at university as it stops there being a huge bill at the end!
theTrainLine: Another one that sort of explains itself. This one lets you check train times, plan different routes and even buy your tickets if you want! This has been really REALLY useful whilst at university (especial as trains seem to hate me and I always have to re-plan my route!)
Tap Tap Glee: I had to slip a gaming app in here somewhere...I am literally obsessed with this one at the moment! It's pretty much mini guitar hero and everyday you get a free track, and then every week or so you get a couple of other free ones (although you can buy full tracks if you want).
Shazam: This is one awesome app! Ever been listening to the radio, or heard a song on the TV and wondered for ages what it is. Well you need to get Shazam in your life...it 'listens' to the song and then tells you the name and artist (as well as giving you an iTunes link to buy it).
These are my favourite apps, but what are yours?
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