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So for those of you that aren't aware, I'm currently mid way through a Fashion Journalism degree and as part of my second year, I chose to do a fashion styling module to get a feel for what other parts of a magazine are like. The task was to style and photograph a shoot to produce one final cover image under the chosen theme of 'Tribute to Castelbajac'. It did start out as a group project for the styling and shooting and as a group we chose to target it to ID Magazine, which gave us sort of a free reign in styling and editing. 

The editing process was an individual effort and I'm really pleased with my final outcomes and thought I'd share them with you, starting with the final cover image...

And here's a few other covers I came up with as possibilities...

So that was my fashion shoot in a nutshell. With the theme being Castelbajac, we thought going for Mickey Mouse styling would reflect some of his pieces and then the make-up and styling went a little eccentric fitting in well with him as a designer too.

Emma xo
follow me on TWITTER and instagram at iamemmawilde

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  1. This literally looks like the most exciting thing anyone has done in University yet. Love the cover you picked and the second one. Remind me again, why we don't do this in Magazine Journalism ;) x

    1. It was the best thing I've done...gave a good taster to what third year will be like doing a whole magazine! Isn't there any modules for you that do things like this?

  2. Wow this is amazing.. like seriously!!
